- n.新加坡猫
- While we sing "Majulah, Singapura!
我们在欢唱:“前进吧:新加坡啦!” - Do we "delete" Singapura that existed from the 12th to 13th centuries from our history books?
12至13世纪的新加坡拉(Singapura)王朝要从新加坡史册“开除”吗? - While we sing "Majulah, Singapura! ", we must gel ever together with one heart and soul to make even greater efforts for our country, our future.
我们在欢唱:“前进吧:新加坡啦!”的同时,必须上下一心,团结一致,为新加坡未来的光明前途,作出更大的努力。 - Singapore's National Anthem Majulah Singapura, Singapore's Pledge and the Singapore flag are...
更甚的是,在这两天的活动,我们不只看到了各个营员... - While we sing "Majulah,Singapura! ",we must gel ever together with one heart and soul to make even greater efforts for our country,our future.