- adj.未达到(或及到)的;未取到(或得到)的
- Pray for these unreached groups to find true faith in Christ.
为这些福音未得之民祷告,愿他们在基督里找到真理。 - Dan (former member of CTCC) and Tina Chen are serving a UPG (Unreached People Group) in Southeast Asia.
丹尼尔(迦南教会的前会友)和蒂娜目前在东南亚福音还未传到的地方服事。 - We organize seminars, workshops, camps, talks and various social activities reaching out to the unreached.
我们也将筹办各样的研讨会、工作坊、营会、讲座和其他社区活动以向非信徒传福音。 - Right now ,for example, donors can give to a programme called "reach the unreached delivery care in Africa".
这是一个向津巴布韦护士提供摩托车和安全设施的项目。 - Pray for the lost and unreached to be drawn to the Lord and for Believers to boldly proclaim the Kingdom.