- n. 愛說話,愛講話;饒舌
- Their excessive talkativeness can make them let the cat out of the bag unconsciously.
他們過多的話語使得有些秘密無意識地被泄露出去。 。 - May be you have social faults such as snobbishness, talkativeness and using slang etc. which drive away your new acquaintances.
或許你有些在社交上應該避諱的缺點,比如勢力、饒舌、說髒話等,這些都會妨礙你結交新朋友。 - A 2010 study found that friends are significantly more accurate in judging traits like intelligence, talkativeness and creativity—traits that are observable and measurable.
2010年的一項研究表明,朋友之間更容易看出對方的諸如智力,是否健談和有創造力等可以直接觀察和評估的特質。 所以儅一個朋友和你說:“你知道嗎?